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So i decided that i'm going to enter the threadlesslovesminecraft challenge. the goal is to create a shirt and if it gets enough likes i get to go to minecon and win $3000. http://imgur.com/p9AvU <---- This is my shirt. and it's just the first draft. does anyone have any suggestions/critiques? i also thought i might do something that has more depth, like trees coming up from the bottom of the shirt in moonlight or something. This is pretty much my first time doing graphic design, and i'm much better on paper ( i swear)
http://www.threadless.com/loves/minecraft <this is the challenge, you can look at some of the designs. What do you guys think?
I don't know much about design, but maybe some vines somewhere
Just a Suggestion :L
looks good, id experiment with different scenes, like make one with actual textures.. excellent theme though
Looks like a cool idea, maybe you could add some vines or some other elements, and I'd say it looks great.