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11:32 AM

In the streets of New York City there are cars, vans, jeeps, police cars, and military vehicles destroyed on them. There was a blockade of cars blocking the other way. With no choice but to go forward, Eddie stopped in front of the blockade.

Eddie: Another blockade huh? Man, there is too much debris around here...maybe it was wrong to go this way. Well, since I am going through this way, 「Subjective Reality」.

The blockade is gone from reality. It has become fantasy making it not exist in reality. Now that there was a pathway available, Eddie started walking the street noticing more cars piled up along the way and buildings half destroyed. There were suddenly movements coming from a few of the cars, noticing this, Eddie stops in his tracks.

Eddie: What are those movements? I think it's time to head...what the!

Out of the debris in the street, the movements were 2 demons that were waiting for a human to eat. They were a few feet higher then himself.

Demon 1: I see we found a new human after all this time!
Demon 2: Lets kill him then eat him!
Eddie: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

In a few seconds they closed in and cut Eddies head off and started feasting on the body.

Demon 1: Ha! He thought he could do something to us! What a foolish human!
Demon 2: Isn't it weird though how he would seem so confident towards us as if he was superior in every way?
Demon 1: Who cares? Let's eat.
Eddie: So, how do you like it?
Demon 2: What the!?

A few yards away from the demon, Eddie was standing completely unharmed.

Demon 1: Wait? Shouldn't you be dead!
Eddie: Normally yes, but I'm not the average human. How come you're eating a car anyway?

Shocked, they looked at what they were eating and it was an illusion that made the parts look like his body.

Eddie: Subjective Reality, I made it so that in reality I wasn't in that spot and had it so that you grabbed the car with an illusion of being me.
Demons 1-2: Impossible!
Eddie: Well, I'm bored, guess I'll toy with you for a bit.
Demon 1: MERCY!!
Eddie: 「Subjective Reality」

Both demons started running away, looking back at them noticing that Eddie was no longer there, but in front of them. Then suddenly, they couldn't move, their arms and legs were surrounded by magic seals. Eddie then walked up to them and opened a dimensional portal.

Demon 1: What are you going to do with us!
Demon 2: We surrender! Don't kill us!
Eddie: Kill you? No, I got much better plans for you 2.
Demon 1-2: NO!!!!!!!!!

They were then sucked through the portal, not knowing what would happen to them in the near future.

Eddie: Well, that's about the 10th encounter I had here today. I guess I'll visit those 2 and have some fun.

Eddie then goes into the portal to where he sent them. Knowing what tortures he'll put them through.
Underneath the alleyways and once-busy intersections of Manhattan, they walk in a horde, shambling in a group not out of coincidence nor out of deliberate planning. They are not the only horde of poor ones wandering with soulless eyes, devoid of purpose; the shuffling of other footsteps echoes far in the distance. Now-yellowed scraps of newspaper from days long past just barely flutter in the air with each brief gush of wind that the shufflers create with their trance-steps, only to come to rest again on the bile-stained linoleum, creating the illusion of life, bright and beautiful- if only briefly. In other places, it is the rats that scurry across the feet of the shuffling souls,content to drag themselves across the hordes of lost souls if only to wind up in a situation no different from where they began: on one end of a vast group of people with no nourishment in sight or smell. There is no light in this cavern, and out of the blackness of the maw, an open drawer of pain, each station a folder, come cries; some of pain and others of carnal delight. The demons will scour the tunnels, and they will hunt for their quarry, perhaps being lucky enough to catch a fox of a human kind or other.

"I'm bored. It's been at least three weeks since the last time someone got eaten, and by God, if it doesn't happen soon, I'm going to make you eat each other." A low voice drones in the dark, reverberating through the pipes and metal, giving the speaker an omnipresent aura.

"Seriously though, have any of you ever tried thinking for 20 other people and yourself? Of course you haven't; none of you can think to begin with." And then silence, silence like death, sculpted by whispers, by the moans and stagnant cries of the shufflers, children all, praying to their Master.

...once again the ground is a table with a broken leg in changing positions, never still, jostling you any direction without warning and without pattern, propelling you to the ground- sudden paralysis as death comes to cloak and carry you, silence you and 'I don't know I must've fell down, when I woke up I was gone it was cinders all around my head was full of smoke' the sight of blood spurting from an artery with what perfect 1-2 rhythm, gray, dead trees, smooth gray and a whirlingrainoffrozensmoke... and then you wake up, jerk your face from the overflown sink, and breathe. Gasping for air, you come to, and you are back in the world with the dead bodies and the blie-soaked floors and forsomereasonyourheadhurtsyoucan'tquitethinkstraightwhycan'tyouthinkatallinfactwhoareyouyoudon'treallyrememberanyways but what you know is that the Master is here and that the Master needs to be served and taken care of and thisisn'twhoyouarewhywon'tyouwakeupyoujustwokeupyoutookintheairwhycan'tyouwakeup And then you can think again.

"Seriously, have any of you ever tried to think for 20 other and yourself? Of course not, you can't even think to begin with." The boy with the green eyes chides, eyes rolling back with a defeated sigh, acknowledging the apparent futility of even trying to reason with the living corpses.


"You folks can talk? Four months and you just now tell me you can talk? What the hell is wrong with all of you?"

"What does Master want? We serve Master. Master is...Master is..."

"Lemme guess. Master is Master."

i wake up again at 3 in the morning. "bloody hell, cant i get a decent sleep for once". it had been the fourth time that week for me.

i get out of bed in the dusty old shack i had been calling home, how many weeks had it been since i got here? twelve so far.

i go and grab my shotgun realising it was loaded, so i put six shells in and put on my boots to go search the hangar of the airport.

plane still here? check, fuel? check. as im doing the checklist over in my mind i hear a scurrying from behind barrels to the left.

"hello? anyone there"

i go over and check and nearly have a heart attack at the rat i see. "damn you nearly gave me a heart attack"

i then hear something from behind. as i go to turn around i feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and then oblivion takes me.

i wake up with a pain in my arm. as i go to look i see a demon trying to bite my arm off. "i would'nt do that if i were you". he jumps back, obviously surprised to see me awake let alone still alive.

"how is this possible, an ordinary mortal would have died from the wound i inflicted on you"

"well im no ordinary mortal"

as the wound in my arm quickly heals i run over to the side of the hangar. as quickly as my arm healed i pick up my shotgun, pump it, turn around and blow the head of the demon.

"note to self, next time secure the hangar then do checklist".
The once green, lush forests and grassy plains of the Montana Valley had been reduced to a bleak, singed husk of its former self. There was still plenty of vegetation, but most of it had been choked out by ash and soot. Coileus was on his way from one place to the next – foraging for food and water. Although scarce, he had been reliably doing so for… well, as long as he could remember. Given how his world fell victim to natural and supernatural disasters, he found it difficult to keep track of the time by any normal means. Time wasn’t an issue for him though, and it certainly wasn’t of the essence. He had grown quite accustomed to his slow paced life of repetitious reason, and had no desire for it to change.

A gust of wind rolled by, making Coileus pause for a moment. The sheer amount of ash in the atmosphere blocked most of the sunlight, but the Chinook winds that rolled off the mountains kept him warm. He gazed behind him, the wind masking his footprints in the slag powders beneath his legs. Although unintentional, it was an advantage that made him difficult to follow in his remote area, keeping him safe from predators and the like. He carried himself forward, and when he broke the crest of a hill, Coileus was pleased to discover another patch of living vegetation. Excited, he paced faster towards the plants, eager to find any sort of food possible. It wasn’t too long before he found sustenance, and immediately began his work. Coileus remained focused and kept his head down: gather food… move… repeat process. These were the steps he lived by, and while dull, it was these steps that had ensured his continual survival.

He did this for several minutes before something caught his attention. It was an odd repeating sound, far off in the distance. He stopped what he was doing and raised his head to look where the sound was coming from. The noise was very odd against the matte ambiance of the plains, making loud, fast thumps to demand his attention – and that was when he saw it. An object in the sky: long, cylindrical, and with what looked like a disk on top. It approached his location, slowly increasing in volume and size. Coileus froze still – an instinctual survival tactic of his. While he remained still, his eyes followed the foreign object. It came closer before completely passing him; he watched as the helicopter flew overhead, and continued over the horizon, it’s ominous wafting sound fading with it into the distance. Coileus started moving again; not to forage, but to run. He wanted nothing to do with whoever that was, and whatever they were doing.
The Vast lush lands of Emorria (mR-ia) have now turned to barren wasteland as a surge of demons blow in from CoRruption. I wake up to find a Demon lurking less than 5 meters away from me. Luckily my pumpkin helmet prevents his otherworldly powers from sensing me. I stand up, Draw my bow and fire a single shot into the air. The Demon senses the rift in space and lunges towards me. At that exact moment I teleport behind him as the arrow lands in his back and he tumbles towards the floor, then dissolves into a purple smoke as my arrow rips him through space and time to unknown origins. I get out from under the large pine tree I was camping under, look around at the villages once ruled by me, and remember all the good times I had, up until the Demons invaded, creating Golems and burning my villages. I part with my past, get up, aim at the sun and fire a single arrow. As the arrow comes into contact with a concrete floor hundreds of miles away. I dissapear, and find myself in the middle of New York, surrounded by a pack of Demons
Lost in the very thought of his sister, Leo goes out in the ruins of once Frankfurt. He is aimlessly wondering, thoughts wizzing in and out. One causes Leo to stop, but quickly scammers away. Leo, in utter bitterness, keeps his pace going down the street. He notices something move in the darkness of the ruins, and he hopefully goes and greets it. Insteaed of the being moving out with friendliness, it lay there motionless. Leo is confused because his sister would never do that. Maybe she is frightened, leo thought. He moved forward, saying "Josefina, its me, Leo." Within an instant, the being shot something out. Leo panicked. In this mere instant, he felt something brush up against him, push him, and then he saw the needle wizz past his eyes. He looked, and for just a second, he saw his nightmare on the ground, a demon. He quickly shot up, and pulled his dagger out. He ran towards the demon, and quickly made sure it wasn't going to live anymore.

Once again, leo looked into the hole, but whatever was there had fled. He gave up on this, and kept walking.

That was, until he came across it...