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Full Version: Star's wonderful world of weird
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Every saturday (my time) I will post something that I find weird, interesting or just plain wonderfully awesome. This saturday, I will be posting some of the weird things that I've come across in the world of food/food related subjects. Now dont think just because I will be posting weird stuff, shouldnt stop you, by all means I encourage you guys to post whatever you find. This will be a segment stretching from here to infinity. Good day.
http://puu.sh/8DvD5/68050b835e.jpg Warning, Contains oddly shaped Fruit (18+), May cause severe head trauma, Check at your own risk.

This is what im encouraging but if it be anything 15+ post a link, just to be safe.
There, i fixed it for you.
Sorry for not posting the first SWWoW entry, I had a couple of good things, I just dont have any stable internet connection, sorry guys.

It's labelled NSFW but it's not actually :P There's a SubReddit too but it's the same as the Imgur one
I remember checking that link when you put it on teamspeak, and then i saw some of the most disturbing things in the world, food related.

I am not going to click that again. xD
Really? I've never seen anything on it except for people making food containing avocados or posting pictures of avocados :P