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Full Version: NEW MAP On Vanilla!
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We've updated the server and the map to Snapshot 12w06a


Update your minecraft.jar files to join the server.

Anyone who's posted in this thread will have there stuff on the new map.
Server has been updated to the latest snapshot...


Due to the nature of how snapshots are released, once 1.2 is out officially the Vanilla server will not do snapshot releases again. I've sort of killed the server and I apologize. Soon as 1.2 is out all player inventories will be transferred to the new map, and the server will stay on 1.2 until 1.3 is out.
1.2 is released, and vanilla (and the other servers) are all up to date. new map (but you'll keep your old inventory)


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3FmyK-ips2g#t=52s" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
All inventories have been transferred over. If for some reason you were not close to spawn you MAY spawn into the ground. If you do, no worries, send me a PM and Ill get you back to spawn with your inventory.
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