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Full Version: Mute? appeal
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I don't know what you just said there but I don't know what I spammed.
No matter what you are told, no matter what reasoning is said, you persist in thinking you did nothing wrong, and to be honest from your attitude shown here on the forum in multiple threads I think I can tell why you were muted.
Exactly he thinks he did nothing wrong because you aren't telling him what he did wrong!


I don't know what I did because you guys are not telling me!
In my opinion I think it was your attitude aswell as what was said, which was spamming.


Ok now go ask demon what I spammed.
Demon does not do anything without a reason, even if it is a poor reason. I know this myself.

I'm sure Demon could let us know here on the forum.


Yes because I seriously dont know why he muted me.


Razor, the more you poke and ask questions that people have already answered the more likely you are to get banned or less likely to get unmuted, People have clearly stated that your attitude isn't helping and that demon muted you for spam, and that he will come on and say why, or what you spammed, I have a feeling it has something to do with you consatantly telling me I was voxeling the wrong section (which was fixed, I was brushing too high up So I moved it down to the right height) while I was afk, and even after I had acknowledged my mistake
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