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I see were gravitating alot more to the MC forum feel, i can understand and tolerate that but we do have to draw a line because after all these are mR forums not anyone else's. All im saying is it it nice to have new features but we do want to keep it original.
Tabs and such, small things probably not rly noticable, i see alot of similarities that have been added that the MC and other forums have. Just saying we added a couple of things some other forum's have. Just my opinion, people can just ignore it if they want, its just something i feel i wanted to point out, as i said before just ignore it if you dont feel it add's to the topic.
...welp...look at that fresh meat, mya.
(01-18-2013, 01:34 AM)starkiller666 Wrote: [ -> ]Tabs and such, small things probably not rly noticable, i see alot of similarities that have been added that the MC and other forums have. Just saying we added a couple of things some other forum's have. Just my opinion, people can just ignore it if they want, its just something i feel i wanted to point out, as i said before just ignore it if you dont feel it add's to the topic.

lmao that must be great stuff ur smoking, all those things are NOT minecraft related at all,

they are just more common in terms of web tech, and very popular, and there plenty of other web styles , but the thing about keeping a website fresh...

.. is dont try to compete with anyone else, dont try to incorporate every new web style, ... sometimes keeping it simple with subtle changes can make all the difference
I'm just using the Minecraft Forums as an example, not the game itself, and i did say ignore it if you dont feel it add's to the topic, if it appeases(probably incorrect spelling) i will stick to the things i know, being awesome and video games, not in that particular order.
(01-19-2013, 04:02 AM)Gliceas Wrote: [ -> ]lmao that must be great stuff ur smoking, all those things are NOT minecraft related at all

Starkiller's got a point there. Some of these updates aren't needed, especially the tabs. New shoutbox is cool though.
Tabs are useful, but if you don't like them you can switch them off :P
Ran some chrome tests this morning...

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