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nice one mate!
Looking great!!

cant we make the same with B1, FTB and maybe other games mR has?
(05-18-2013, 04:48 PM)MP29 Wrote: [ -> ]Looking great!!

cant we make the same with B1, FTB and maybe other games mR has?

I'm not opposed to doing that. It might actually work out nicely.

I would want some local players to get some screenshots and video though. that's a pain to get all those.
I'd be more than willing to help out with that, once FTB is back up. I'll do what I can for B1 also. I think you emailed me once, I can send you screenshots through that possibly. I find email the easiest way to send pictures, rather than sites like PhotoBucket.

ok. sounds like we have a somewhat organized plan for other commercials.

Mike, you approve of this message?
If i can help plz tell me what to do.
What was that Shader mod you wanted me to install for screenshots?

ok MP. I will tell you when I have a plan.

axe, the shaders mod is formally called gsl shaderscraft I think. dont have it yet for 1.5.2, but im sure its out there.

Another topic on mc updates, should we complete the film during 1.6 and add those new features? I mean some of the things might be a little cooler with 1.6 features
Good idea, but if you're really gonna do this it might be better for you to get some proper recording software. Pirate the full version of fraps for all I care to record in HD without the watermarks and F8 smooths out the camera for fly-bys for example
Are you planning on updated this? I'd like to use it for planetminecraft.com and other status sites!
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