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RP server Locations and Lore - Printable Version

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RE: RP server Locations and Lore - MP29 - 04-28-2014

theres space above the unclaimed region,
or left next to my spot on waters edge. or south in the desert. enough space. Big Grin
or with voxel ill pull one out of the sea for ya , lol, np. Big Grin

There also will be some little villages added, and tweaking of mountains here and there.

im just amazed of this cool map.
Xenol thanks
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and yes that island will be a fortress, Sire.
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and we need our great leader mIKe to setup a nice mR RP server with this map and the needed ip and stuff.

mIKe we need youuuu!!!

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - Poopoooter - 04-28-2014

When's the server going to be up as I would really like to start building.

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - MP29 - 04-29-2014

We all would like to start building Poopooter.
We do need to coordinate some things like who joins who because not anyone will get an own city or village.

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - Poopoooter - 04-29-2014

Why not every region have a capital city and then the FIRST people to join that land gets to build a town - for example I own some islands in xenols land, so he should get a capital city but as I'm one of the first on his land I can build a town?
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(04-07-2014, 03:17 PM)Xenol1997 Wrote: Pah Wink Britain is where you want to go to see castles. I live about 10 minutes drive from Europe's second biggest https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5xJW-jHI24 But Germany is the best at mountain castles.
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Oh arse crumpets, wrong link XD Don't ask, its called collage music lessons ^.^
This is the castle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caerphilly_Castle

English castles FTW - https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=st+michael%27s+mount&client=firefox-a&hs=K9B&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=U8xfU_XnKcr-PIGOgNAJ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg&biw=1920&bih=976#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=O7Zxw_hJuXwKQM%253A%3BzLbTdMGPYaC-7M%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.stmichaelsmount.co.uk%252Ffiles%252F2613%252F7942%252F0696%252Fharbour-main-banner.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.stmichaelsmount.co.uk%252F%3B749%3B407
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(04-28-2014, 10:18 AM)holypengin Wrote: ah I was wondering where my island was

Yeah me too - i was scared for a second XD

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - Pascal123 - 04-29-2014

Or the owner could bestow the property of land to somebody to create a town/etc, kinda like the king with his vassals?

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - Poopoooter - 04-29-2014

Xenol obv <3 me so that's town for me? XD

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - mIKe - 04-29-2014

Server will be up really soon...

Big thanks to Xen for the map, and Rat for the resource pack! Y'all are doing great setting this up!

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - MP29 - 04-30-2014

im so excited
and i just cant hide it

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - Rated - 04-30-2014

Is -1300 1700 taken? I'm thinking of making my kingdom there instead of the island.

RE: RP server Locations and Lore - Dutchmerc - 04-30-2014

If rat3d takes -1300 1600, I would like to use 3100 2500 (south-east sea)