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mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - Printable Version

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mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - Six222 - 03-17-2012

It's back (properly)! With a whole new plugin, re-written commands and new features!

The server now provides you with over +100 commands and a few new features! Some of the new features:
  • Backup Save System
  • New Vote System
  • Private Chat Channels
  • New Admin/mR Features
  • New Ranking System - User, Builder, mR and Admin

Every command, that isn't a "secret" command Wink, is on the wiki and fully documented.

Server IP:
Full Command List And Tutorials: http://mikes-revenge.net/forum/wiki/index.php?title=HL2DM

All Old Savespawns Are Still Avaliable!

ALL mR's
Please PM me or post in here your SteamID's as you need to be re-added to the databases.

Any questions, suggestions or bug reports please post on here or PM me.

Click Photo To Enlarge
Click Photo To Enlarge

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - mIKe - 03-17-2012

NICE WORK - Especially with the Wiki, awesome stuff man!

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - Adam - 03-17-2012


RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - .Lb - 04-17-2012

Using http://mikes-revenge.net/forum/wiki/index.php?title=Command_List

+hoverpack causes player to get stuck, -hoverpack does not undo this.
I think "!kill" kills the server

Using http://mikes-revenge.net/forum/wiki/index.php?title=HL2DMUserGuide

these commands don't exist


Server is down atm

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - mIKe - 04-17-2012

I'll get mark and six to take a look at this, thanks for the heads up!

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - .Lb - 04-17-2012

Okay, went through this whole list: http://mikes-revenge.net/forum/wiki/index.php?title=Command_List

+ means works
- means doesn't work
* means couldn't test
!!! means crashes

!spawn +
savespawn + (save load showsaved) (save name)
!own +
!who +
!unown +
!addbuddy + (player name)
!removebuddy + (player name)
!showspawnlimit +
!spawnlist +
Build Commands

!del +
!delarea +
!del_all +
!delbeam - doesn't work in chat nor console
!r +
!nc +
!ncoff +
!ncself - doesn't work - says "You do not own this..." also cannot "!own" self to attempt making this work.
!ncselfoff - same as before
!freeze +
!unfreeze +
!convert +
!startweld +
!weld +
!unweld +
!raise + (requires numeral after ofc)
!nobreak +
!level + (use "!level set" on first prop and use "!level 'x, y, or z'" on remaining props)
!angle + (use "!angle set" on first prop and use "!angle 'x, y, or z'" on remaining props)
+grab +
+copyent - doesn't work (yes I used it in the console lol)
!door + using combinedoor at the very least
!button +
Color Commands

!alpha + (1-255)
!paint + (color name) or (r g b)
!colorme <- not sure
!rainbow + (random color each time applied)
Movement Commands

+hook + (red beam hooks you around)
+hoverpack - doesn't work, freezes you, console kill is the only escape
+sprint +
+lightspeed +

!beam +
!redbeam +
!greenbeam +
!bluebeam +
!yellowbeam +
!purplebeam +
mR / Admin Commands

!deathbeam *
!kick *
!slay *
!cball *
!setkill *
!setcharge *
+fgrab *
+shield *
!bring *
!tele2 *
Weapon Alts *
noclip *
!powered *
!forcecleanup *
!setspawnlimit *
Miscellaneous Commands

!grav +
!team +
!setview +
!showview +
!showcoords +
!kill !!! crashes if a non-mR uses it, check "if" statements
!propcount +
!tracer +
!traceroff - cannot turn off
!savetele +
!tele +
!requesttele + (might want to display a message to the person you request tele to on how to accept (!accepttele))
!accepttele +
!declinetele +
!startvote * not enough players online to test
!voteyes * ""
!voteno * ""
!flyboat + (clicking makes it jump)

* .Lb +
/afk +
/leaving +
/happy +
/sad +
/excited +

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - .Lb - 04-19-2012

Updated the wiki, and added pages for the commands which needed descriptions.

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - .Lb - 04-20-2012

After a lot of hrs of trial and error, mR database is working the way we need it to, and you can add and delete members in game.
mR only commands ofc.

mR_add <username>
mR_del <username>

Will be updating some commands over the next few days, specifically the ones w/ little function atm due to older coding w/ a newer plugin.

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - .Lb - 04-24-2012

mR commands; !slay, !kick, !deathbeam all running smooth again
Cheats are now enabled again globally, with mR, Builder, and Public classes.
Public cannot use cheats.

builder_add <username>
builder_del <username>

Builder is a temp permisson (till server restarts) which will allow a player to use;
noclip, ent_fire, give, ent_create, ect

I fixed the commands that were causing the crashes, and added some.
Those will remain a secret for now Smile
Also fixed some tutorials on how argument commands work like !level.

Now it is time to get the server populated again!

RE: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server! - .Lb - 05-01-2012


beta commands