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Full Version: Mute? appeal
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Username: razor6
Date: Today
Server: Build
Who were you muted by: DemonTheGringo
Reason you were muted: I seriously dont know

Reason you think you should be unmuted: Because I dont know of anything I said wrong
Evidence that proves you are not guilty: Because i did not say anything I did not know i was not allowed to do/say
Witnesses to the banning: Forgot

Comments/questions/concerns: I dont know what I did
You were muted for spamming....And kicked twice for Evading it, And dude, mute's aren't as big as bans and normally get removed after the player has learned their lesson, and not constantly complaining in Helpop.... They don't need appeals :/


What did i I spam?
Not exactly sure, Demon did the mute and I was afk for a large amount of it, But I'm going to ask him now
Click Photo To Enlarge
you are just being extremely annoying and dumb in general. Stay muted


Ok lets go "back" in time
What did i do/say/annoy to get muted?
seriously man you are less likely to get yourself banned if you stay muted, you're safer that way.


Ok but its nice to be...
Not muted
So, essentially you feel your Ego is being diminished by being muted?
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