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Full Version: Why am I singled out? Ban appeal PNGz_
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Quote:Subject should be: Ban Appeal - [Your Name]

Build and Legit
Greifing and Looting Britain

I think I shouldn't be banned from build as I didn't greif on Build.
I am Guilty.
Happened while I was asleep.

I do have a concern since I wasn't the only one who did the greifing. Nitroft actually gave me the coords to the place. And I think I can prove this.
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And nitroft also did some greifing, though I didn't get any snapshots of it. But I'm sure if you check any chests or inventory of him he may have some stuff
An apology to everyone on Legit especially the owners of Britain would be a great start to get unbanned although I don't see it happening anytime soon. I'm sure Bman will start looking into Nitroft's logs and see what part he played in this.
Well yes. Apologies to Britain, but we really had fun me and nitroft. Sorry for not apologizing, but right now I'm more concerned that I'm singled out.
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Including the disgrace we brought on Legit for whitelisting when it were regs.
Not going to touch the topic of Nitroft, but you're banned from both because what you did hurt the community as a whole, and a lot of people play on both of the servers, and having a known griefer around either of them will make them uncomfortable. I am fully against you coming back.
Lets just give them a bit of time off and then un-ban them, they are fairly good regulars and chances are they were just having a giggle with you guys. They don't seem like the type of people who enjoy being a dick.

If this comes to pass, just don't do it again, and if it was all a joke to begin with, be more careful, keep it to a minimum, people can still get irritated, at which point its better off if you announce your involvement yourself and offer to fix the damages, or apolagize if need be.

I'd still like to know how you came to the conclusion that it was PNGz and if the extent of this grief is exaggerated, however.
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Thank you pascal.
Wait what? Those weren't the cords to Britain...Those cords probably lead to nowhere I was trying to guess where my old town was , The one that got griefed.
And now that I think of it, I had to reop some of you. I think I did you Axe, though it could've been someone else. And now that I'm banned of both I feel that all of my help is of no meaning to anyone.
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Well whatever it was Nitroft. I'm left out as always.
Its Over now we where both caught, I'm sorry It happened, and wont happen again, By us at least.
This is concerning, pngz you were an op and you griefed, it may have been on the server that you were not opped on but still, griefing is wrong and you did know better, im against this unban.
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