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(01-18-2012, 01:52 PM)bmanrules Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.yoyogames.com/news/68
Its a game sharing website for games made with game maker( I used to use it )
In my opinion I see the Congress Bill Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) as unconstitutional. The bills are practically restricting access to major sites like Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Tumblr.com, Youtube.com and many more. This will hurt almost all known companies like Google Inc (Youtube etc), Microsoft Inc (Bing), Yahoo Inc and already strained companies suffering the bad economy. The bill it self has some stuff that is linked to our 1st Amendment of the Constitution which is Freedom of Speech

What Congress should be mainly concern is the reckless government spending, Federal Reserve printing unlimited money creating inflation/devaluation and hurting the poor and middle class at the same time, 15+ Trillion Dollar U.S Debt and stabling the economy

If you are able to vote. Vote for Ron Paul for Gold Standard on the Dollar and against the SOPA & PIPA Act. http://www.webpronews.com/ron-paul-court...pa-2011-12
If you can not vote. Petition against the Unconstitutional Acts by our Congress: http://sopastrike.com/modal/strike-modal/index.html
(01-18-2012, 01:57 PM)DABAMF Wrote: [ -> ]In my opinion I see the Congress Bill Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA) as unconstitutional. The bills are practically restricting access to major sites like Facebook.com, Twitter.com, Tumblr.com, Youtube.com and many more. This will hurt almost all known companies like Google Inc (Youtube etc), Microsoft Inc (Bing), Yahoo Inc and already strained companies suffering the bad economy. The bill it self has some stuff that is linked to our 1st Amendment of the Constitution which is Freedom of Speech

I dislike the bill, but in no way, shape or form is it unconstitutional. It isn't inherently restricting access to any of the major websites either; you've been reading too much out of the false "Frenzy petitions" instead of the bill itself. It's designed to stop torrenting websites and those who pirate from continuing to do so; in that right, it's a just bill. Nothing irks me more than seeing someone pirate a good move instead of actually buying it. People who pirate aren't paying the artists who developed it for the right of watching it, instead, they're just ripping them off. It's just like if you lent a video game to someone for the week, and they never returned it.

The only reason that makes this bill a bad one is it's methods of doing so. Instead of providing major entertainment and video game producers with better ways to effectively sue and take down torrenting sites, it's using the government to cease and control them. Due to the massive unpopularity of this bill, they've already started rewording it with a new bill and if the vote this weekend is delayed, we might even get a better, more beneficial version of SOPA for everyone.
you guys are sooooooooooooooo late.
Fuck SOPA, give the idea to China.

Minecraft log-in screen:
Click Photo To Enlarge
(01-18-2012, 12:19 PM)Munchhead Wrote: [ -> ]I HATE SOUP

LOL munch
china allready has this implimented

i say we protest brothers and sisters we must not let this happen to us
(01-18-2012, 03:17 PM)Towelie Wrote: [ -> ]you guys are sooooooooooooooo late.

he's right XD
Five key supporters of SOPA have already backed out due to the controversy lately.
heh, Scumbag America: Makes a big deal about free speach; Makes bill to block websites without investigation.
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