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Full Version: mR Offical HL2DM Build Server!
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Dismount and find a new horse. The new horse may not be as suited to the cause as the first, but it will still work.
I'm all for bringing it back. It's unfortunate valve doesn't want to keep up the hustle with HL2DM, I agree, they should've kept the old system. I'm kinda upset but...maybe another day we'll have a HL2DM build once again.
It's dead, it's simply not practical to try and run a mod on a game that's constantly updated where the devs have no interest in making it easier for you, and hardly anyone plays. It's had its day, and now it's done.
(12-30-2012, 12:03 PM)craigpd Wrote: [ -> ]Dismount and find a new horse. The new horse may not be as suited to the cause as the first, but it will still work.

I thought this was where minecraft took over, an 8-bit horse. I do miss the lovely slaughtering, crazy physics and walking at lightspeed. minecraft seems well enough as it lets yous build massive shit and roleplay and shit.

Half-life 3 DM anyone?
Don't mention HL3..Babeboom get's mad when people do xD
(12-30-2012, 02:17 PM)Lbeja Wrote: [ -> ]Half-life 3 DM anyone?

[spoiler]in 20 years[/spoiler]
mIKe's ReVeNGe |Whatever|

Rewriting the server from scratch as the mR plugin is dead so we lost the whole build/save system, money, nokill and effects..

Working commands at the moment;
!spawn <prop> works in chat only for now
r or !r <value>
Okay Updated the server, optimized the code into python

Commands work in chat and console now
added commands;
!save <name>
!load <name>
!builds //lists all saved builds
!color <rgb>

r and !r do not work atm but you can use ent_rotate <value> in the console for now
Cheats are staying on unless we get some griefers
wow awesome!
Well..Looks like Dan will need to spend the next 3 Years remaking all his savespawns. xD
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