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(04-20-2012, 04:05 PM)craigpd Wrote: [ -> ]This is the last I have to say on this post, others may feel differently though.

How many times do I have to tell you craig? nobody gives a FLYING FUCK what your opinion is, STOP SHARING IT IN ABUSE THREADS. Next time you post in an abuse thread you're not directly involved in, you're banned from the fucking forums. Clear?
You know whats cool? when people delete what i said. pretty nice.
After hearing more.

I change my answer to, LOLBANNED
(04-20-2012, 07:28 PM)Towelie Wrote: [ -> ]You know whats cool? when people delete what i said. pretty nice.

stop saying things which are WRONG then.


Lets start over
1. diggity uses xray to find me,my secret chests and my base
2. you banned me for finding you
3. I DONT use hacks/xray etc
4. I reconnected because it was laggy
5. I knew someone was in my base because blocks were breaking (i heard blocks break)

Next time you come to my base and hide i will take a snapshot of your nametag to prove me not using hacks

Does that sound sensible?
If you still have a problem understanding that im not hacking/xraying

also remind me why im banned again (I think it was because diggity being suspicios of my items)
and that i found him
AND admins arent allowed to grief peoples bases

diggity smashed our secret hidden chests and the one in the pic of him xraying
The fact that you are still trying to defend yourself against an obvious evidence and say that Its all Dan's fault is just pathetic.


whats the evidence?

and anyway i found him, whats the ban reason about finding a person thats sneaking while the guy who is sneaking is using xray
You Duplicated Massive amounts of items, I broke 1 chest full of said items and it wasn't hidden.
The Final say is up to Michael, But I say that we don't need anymore people with your attitude on our servers. Besides the fact this is the 2nd time you have been banned.
You can't go around using exploits and cheats on a pvp server. That kind of stuff ruins it for everyone. You are staying banned.


The only stuff i dont do is the things the rules say not to do
is duping on there? No
is finding an admin that was spying on you up there a ban reason? No
Im going to retell what happened

I found diggities secret spying area in my base
and then he says "you can bring this up on the forums"
and bans me

whats the ban reason?
(04-20-2012, 10:34 AM)Diggity_Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Dude Blargh he didnt have 17 tnt blocks he had 21 stacks of 64 tnt I dont care how big of a grinder you have, this isnt possible in the time frame...
Is this a reason im banned?
do even know how long ive been on legit?

its not funny guys
(04-21-2012, 08:14 AM)Michael Wrote: [ -> ]You can't go around using exploits and cheats on a pvp server. That kind of stuff ruins it for everyone. You are staying banned.
no really?

whats the ban reason?
im just doing whats legit
my idea of what legit means: Not using hacks, not spawning in items (thats not duping) , not hacking and/or no xray

Now what else do i have to explain to get unbanned
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