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Full Version: Ban appeal razor6
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"No Duplicating items" Is in the Rules. . . and the main reason you were banned "this was stated before" you were x-raying, I know you were.


Not true
nothing in that post is true

no duping is not there
nor was i xraying
Oh really? Why dont you go and check out the signs at spawn... Oh wait XD nvm


you are so mean
dude just give it up and admit you did wrong and maybe, just maybe they will be leniant


i mean rlly they said i broke the rules of no duping items

but they put that up after i did
"But they put that up after i did" so you did dupe? then why say "no duping is not there"
holy shit, "no cheating" has been on the rules since the start, how is duping not cheating? you're an idiot. Not listening to this anymore, locking this thread.
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