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Star I didn't build those B29s. Nit did, and Xenol did built the airport
for me XD I remember that clearly. Heck, the airliner that isn't Xenols was Koroshair. Though Odin may have changed it to Seborgair because he's a scrub.

And one thing I forgot, where funding would come from.

1-5 Floors Pays 10
5-20 Floors pays 30
20+ Floors pays 50

I'm keeping the payment low, as it will add up with buildings everyone has. And seeing as I probably have the most amount of buildings, it would only be fair to keep them low for myself.
XD do I at least make anything off of my barracks and airfield?
Idk You do have those towers from naynville, they may count. Otherwise, you can get funding from Britain LOL that would be interesting.
Three things:

How do these rules handle nuclear weapons? Eg. Nuclear missiles and bombs.

How do these rules handle espionage.

Are these rules implemented ex post facto?
Apparently nukes aren't on, espionage is done within 1 hour, after which all spies must be pulled back, and these rules have yet to be decided as rules.
Wouldn't espionage just be like, self maintained and not common policy?
So, which set of rules are we rolling with? PNG's?
We arent rolling with any rules yet.
Honestly I say we just make a turn 24 hours and ignore the rest of the rules since they are too hard to enforce and make things overly complicated.

Also nukes are on, Star.

Also that's not what ex post fact means, Star.

Also that was a really vague answer about espionage, Star.
Yes. Let's keep the Turns part of PNGs rules.


The entire basis of the war rp is the style of Turn based combat. The way
this will work, is by have consecutive turns of the same nature, ie to have
one person attack, the other to attack, one to move, the other to move, etc.

Uneven Turn ( eg 1,3,5 )= Supply and Transit
Even Turn ( eg 2,4,6 )= Attack

On an Uneven turn, you can only supply and/or move your military forward.
However, you may also do this on an attack turn, and for direct combat units 
you can move and attack afterwards, but you may not attack on an uneven turn.
Wars in this new system are meant to be fought with both players available.
1. If player A + B are on, the turns will last 30mins.
2. If player A, but not B are on, the turn will go for 24 hours.
3. If player A is on, leaves, and player B comes on, Rule 2 applies.
4. If player A is on, and B comes on after 30mins, player stops their turn
and player B starts theirs."
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