Hello there, I am working on the New spawn for Build1 and am in need of some help. The main spawn is almost complete but there is a 2nd part that I want to have open to the Community "Trusted Regs, mR's, and Ops"
I want you all to build a kind of city underneath spawn, you can build into the walls/caves you can make castles w/e I would like it to be aimed towards mythical/ fantasy ie.castles, villages, ect. However the roof I set on the building area is 80, so you can do what ever you would like from 1-80 underneath spawn, please try to fit it with the style "No space ships/skycrapers" lol. Well if you have any questions feel free to ask! I am looking forwards to your builds!
Who's up for a TF2 match on saturday? The maplist will be randomised, we'll also be playing in teams randomly assigned from the people who want in (don't whinge, if you guys get to choose we'll be here all year.)
Maplist will be vanilla maps, unless anyone has any good ones in mind.
This announcement is basic and sketchy though; we'd probably start about 7pm CDT.