(10-27-2013, 08:34 AM)Oink_mR Wrote: On the current map, just to collect sand, I had to walk for about 15-20 minutes (using pearls too)
Kinda on the fence about it since my location could have just been shitty, but I still lean towards the good ol default biome generation
:/ Sand cannot reproduce into saplings, so I see your point, but, If we keep this new map longer than the current one (which i think we plan to since any new updates wont contain new biomes anytime soon) it will be simpler to get sand from a nether travel because you'll have more time to collect obsidian and make a quick route to any biome you want, especially considering that we learned our lesson on the current map that nether rails need to be planned better
:::::::::Merged Post::::::::::
we could always make a sand tree mod :3
tough times don't last,
tough people do.
tough people do.